Fotógrafa | Chloé Jafé | Inochi Azukemasu – As Mulheres da Yakuza







Inochi Azukemasu | Chloé Jafé
















Otsuchi is one of the city that has been the most affected by the tsunami on the 11th March 2011. 95% of the town has been destroyed. However a great spirit remain, indestructible. The spirit of the Toramai (Tiger dancers). The tiger dance is part of the Japanese folk culture and originating from Iwate prefecture. Chloé Jafé

Cinema | Artista | Naomi Kawase

Naomi Kawase (河瀨直美 Kawase Naomi, born May 30, 1969) is a Japanese film director. She was also known as Naomi Sento (仙頭直美 Sentō Naomi), with her then-husband’s surname. Many of her works have been documentaries, including Embracing, about her search for the father who abandoned her as a child, and Katatsumori, about the grandmother who raised her. mais














Cinema | Artista | Hirokazu Koreeda

Born in Tokyo in 1962. Originally intended to be a novelist, but after graduating from Waseda University in 1987 went on to become an assistant director at T.V. Man Union. mais

Hirokazu Kore-eda (是枝 裕和, Kore-eda Hirokazu?, nascido em 6 de junho de 1962) é um diretor, produtor, roteirista e editor Japonês. Ele é conhecido pelos filmes Ninguém Pode Saber (2004), Seguindo em Frente (2008), Pais e Filhos (2013), com o último tendo sido nomeado para a Palme d’Or e ganhando o Prêmio do Júri no Festival de Cannes de 2013. Depois da Tempestade (2016) também estreou em Cannes e teve uma grande recepção da crítica especializada. mais
















Kasane no Irome | Paletas de Cores

During the japanese Heian period (794-1185), the court ladies’ rich garments were layered in very specific order. These layerings were called Kasane no Irome (“layers of color”), and changed in different times of the year, according to the seasons or festive occasions. The status of the lady was another important factor. In informal context, ladies used to wear five layers of solid-colored (or damask-like patterned) robes called kinu and an under-robe called hitoe over their basic attire – a white silk undergarment, a white or red silk robe called kosode , and a (usually red or maroon) long splitted skirt called naga-bakama . This informal style is shown at this chart (the collar of the white undergarment is not visible here as it should be… Sorry!). More formal attire also included, on top of those layers, other outer-robes. The full formal esemble usually consisted of twelve layers, now known as junihitoe (“twelve layers robe”), but there were periods when the layers could get up to twenty. mais


The 10 Best Books about Traditional Japanese Colors

There are countless books on traditional Japanese colors; almost all, if not all, of them in Japanese. Even if you don’t read Japanese, you will find the photos and drawings extremely inspiring. I can spend many many hours looking at them! mais




From the Japanese color of the Heian era, it is a color of the winter. mais




From the Japanese color of the Heian era, it is an autumn color.
A color will be rich in autumn. There are many kinds of the combination. mais


Shunga-e (春画絵) é um estilo de gravuras japonesas eróticas, feitas pelos mesmos artesãos do ukiyo-e, mas com o tema especificamente voltado para o mundo dos prazeres. mais

Shunga a arte japonesa onde o sexo é prazer e não pecado

O que caracteriza, sumariamente, a arte shunga? Partindo de uma descrição do sumptuoso catálogo de 536 páginas e extraordinárias reproduções iconográficas, uma típica imagem shunga “é concebida para apresentar simultaneamente tanto as expressões faciais de êxtase como os mecanismos para essas sensações – órgãos sexuais aumentados e meticulosamente representados”. mais


Shunga, a vertente erótica do Ukiyo-e